Drug name

back Drug name:Amoxicillin Sodium and Clavulanate Potassium for Injection Product name:Amoxicillin Sodium and Clavulanate Potassium for Injection Approval number:0.6g state medical permitment H20063977; 1.2g state medical permitment H20063978 Specifications:0.6g×10 vase ;1.2g×10 vase Details:


The product is indicated for the treatment ofthe following infections caused by the sensitive bacteria producing β-lactamase:

1.upper respiratory tract infection:nasosinusitis,amygdalitis and pharyngitis.

2.lower respiratory infection: acutebronchitis, acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis,pneumonia,pulmonaryabscess and infection complicated with Bronchiectasis

3. urinary system infection:cystitis, urethritis,nephropyelitis,prostatitis,pelvic inflammation andNeisseria gonorrhoeae urinary tract infection.

4.Skin and soft tissueinfections: furuncle,abscess,cellulitis and wound infection

5. Other Infection: otitismedia,osteomyelitis,septicaemia,peritonitis and postoperative infection
